A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#1. You are standing in a clearing.
You are standing in a clearing.
I say clearing, it hasn't been cleaned nor clear for years. There are empty soup cans, coke cans, french moulin rouge dancers and south american birds, six letters, begins with T, lying strewn around, and berlinner sized newspapers flit around in the light southwesterly breeze, which also carries with it the heady odour of cat piss.
You can hear a radio playing what some would call music, and somewhere a TV has been left on casting the blueish glow of night time programming on the building opposite.
You stand facing a wheely bin infront of a poster for a "gentlemans' entertainment venue", peeling at the edges, and showcasing a girl who probably never was, nor never shall be an exotic dancer, but you purr at the thought of it anyway.
The clearing has exits running N,S,W and one of those american fire exit ladders which you only see in films, and you feel looks strangely out of place here, but oddly compelling. You pad down your pockets, and can feel your wallet, a mobile phone, some keys and a package of which you're not sure of its contents.
The only thing you can remember about arriving here is the phrase "A SIXTH TEEPEE, NORM!", which you immediatly recognise as an anagram - but frankly can't be bothered to solve.
You stand awaiting your mind's next suggestion to act upon.

Drink tea
More closely examine the contents of your pockets discovering what the unknown package contains
Phone a friend
Take your mobile phone out and check the messages in it in an attempt to identify who you are and what you're doing there. If that doesn't help, try looking in the recent call logs.
A sixth teepee Norm = Examine the poster
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