A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#2. The Pink Kitten.
After less than a few moments passing, you take another cursary glance at the poster. Something arouses within you. Not within your pants, but something a little deeper - almost like a memory being evoked from the dark but as yet unavailable recesses of your mind.
You walk over to the poster and take a closer look. "Pink Kittens". Hmm.. you think.. it is ringing a bell, but nothing so loud that you'd remember any of the kittens themselves.
You look at the girl on the poster. If anyone were watching, a dirt stained vagrant standing infront of a lifesize picture of a half naked girl, they'd probably think nothing of it - Pink Kittens was one of the city's most popular clubs, so the poster says, and the girl is certainly high class, not the sort of lady you'd have the chance to meet in your current state, and probably not the sort of girl who'd grace such an establishment either, but it worked for the advertisers, and it works for you.
You scan the rest of the detail of the poster. A phone number, an address and the name of the company who owned the Pink Kitten. Not sure whether the Kittens mean anything to you yet, you pull out your mobile to keep the number for later, but as you fumble around in your coat pocket to reach at the phone and pull it out, the other package falls out and lands with a squelch on the pavement beside you, and unrolls a little. As you stoop down to pick up the package, a noise startles you from behind, the rumble of a car engine revving at the end of the alley leading to the clearing from the North. You look up from your hunched position, and see the headlights flicker on, illuminating your surroundings clearly, but half blinding you in the process. You grasp at the package, and consider your options.
The clearing has exits N,S,W, and the fire escape leading upwards. You are carrying the mobile phone, wallet and unknown package. You're desperatly trying to remember the details you saw on the poster, whilst waiting for your mind to suggest the next move.

Examine the unknown package.
It's either that or go up the fire escape to avoid the car, but (a) I'd really like to know what the package is and ensure it doesn't get left behind and/or run over, and (b) it's unlikely that the protagonist will get killed this early in the story, so I'm willing to risk a bit of danger.
Get yourself into a safer location to fully examine the package and check the mobile phone for any 'useful in emergency situation' numbers, which could be very handy. Go up the ladder.
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