A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#4. The Great Escape.
Just a matter of feet above, you can hear the sound of the two men rattling up the fire escape, managing to traverse the missing rule which caused your quite literal downfall, and searching in vain for you. Turning your head, you look up and squint in the darkness to try and make out their movements, but all you can really take in is your malodourous bedding of burst refuse bags.
Suddenly, a scream rings out - someone in the building no doubt shocked at seeing two burlies clambering around outside her window. Screaming and screaming, the lady keeps crying out as if the men were horrific fantasy creatures intent on eating her kidneys in a 80s sci-fi TV movie, but then strange "thwup" and the scream stops.
The lack of screaming brings you a little closer to lucidity, in time to hear another two "thwups". You've seen enough films to recognise the sound as a silenced gun of some sort, and usually a scream which ends in a "thwup" means the girl isn't going to ever scream again. The blood drains from your face. If this was the Wild West, he'd have three bullets left in there, but frankly you haven't a clue which side of the compass you're on, and have an inkling that modern magazines probably carry a few more than six.
Staying here waiting for two men who use somewhat heavy handed tactics to stop someone simply making a loud noise doesn't seem the most pleasant of options, so you start to pull yourself up and crawl towards the car. There's a chance that you can get in, and pull away before the men notice.
Pulling yourself through the garbage, you inch closer the car as quietly as possible, and see the door open, the car left humming. Suddenly footsteps on the metal above signify movement of your gun weilding friends, and you throw caution to the wind and throw yourself into the driver's seat.
You are in a car facing South. The engine is running. Two gunmen are on the fire escape above you, standing near a dead woman. You are carrying the mobile phone, wallet and a package of unknown content. You momentarily pause to consider your next action.

Drive drive drive, get out of there and somewhere safe to examine the ever mysterious contents of your pockets.
Floor it! Drive like Minnie Driver at a driving range whilst listening to 'Drive' by The Cars.
Then pull over (when it is safe to do so) and open the package, open the package OPEN THE PACKAGE! Please.
First, check there's nobody in the back seat.
Second, see if there's a gun in the glove compartment. If so, shoot the goons with it. If not, examine the unknown package.
Comments are closed on this episode now. Sorry for the delay in getting the next episode up, but I think weekends are probably non episode days. I'll try and write a 'cliffhanger' for Fridays to make things more interesting.
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