A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#7. A point in the right direction
You walk away from the car and body. It'll get found soon enough, and you don't want to be around when it does. Reaching once more into your pocket, you pull out the mobile phone and stare at it for a moment. First things first, store the number of the Pink Kitten. Any more dead bodies, severed fingers and gunshots, and you're unlikely to remember the number. You enter the digits and enter the name, hit 'Save Entry', but the phone responds "Overwrite 'Lena'?". There must already be an entry for that same number, but who is Lena?
You keep on walking and stumble across a bar. A stiff drink would make things feel somewhat better right now, so you go into the place and order a whisky. Sitting against the bar, you pull out the phone once more and start flicking through the phonebook, which is mostly empty but for a few numbers:
Al's Flat Greg Horses Lena Sat9pm TomKaty Voicemail
You knock back the whisky and order another.
You are sitting in a smoky bar. You have a whisky and mobile phone infront of you. You have a severed finger and wallet in your pocket.

I think you need to find out your own name. You can't exactly phone the Pink Kitten and ask for Lena; what do you say when they ask who's calling?
Get the mobile phone to tell you what its number is, then find a payphone and dial that number. Hopefully, when it switches to voicemail, you'll hear your own voice telling you your name.
Then try calling the voicemail from the mobile itself. If someone has left a message, they might say your name on it, and they might also have left some other clues.
I too think Slim's in the way to go, call yourself that's brilliant.
Suggestions now closed.