A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#8. Talking to yourself
You suddenly realise you've not yet worked out who you are. Sure, you know the basics - you're male, about the same height and build as dead guys in the back of a car, and currently on the run, but as far as name, age, parents, marital status - you're about as clued up as a 15 year old who thinks they have life experience.
"Hey, barkeep" you shout The bartender just looks at you with a look which suggests barkeep wasn't an amusing and friendly term.
"Have you got a payphone in here?" The bartender looks down at your hands, as you hold your mobile in your hand, and back up to your face, puzzled.
"Through the back next to the toilets" he throws back.
You wander over to the phone, pick up the receiver, go through your mobile menus until you reach 'My Numbers' where the mobile number is listed, and dial it in to the payphone. After a few short clicks, the mobile in your hand starts to vibrate, and you hit hangup. On the payphone, you are taken to your voicemail.
"I'm not here, you know what the beep is for" you hear yourself say.
You slam the receiver down, and wonder what to do next. Maybe the voicemail has a clue.
Holding down the number 1 key, it connects and begins to play your messages.
"You have 2 saved messages...
Message 1, sent yesterday at 2.32pm
'....crackle......not sure where you are......crackle.... can't find... bzzt.. might have more luck at.. ...bzzt... safety deposit box.... fssst... one two oh four oh.... the full amount... crackle... else lena ... crackle... Fold's Bank.. crackle.. breaking up'
end of message 1.
Message 2, sent yesterday at 7.49pm
end of message 2.
end of your messages."
You hang up.

Apologies for the late post - out of the country today, and only just managed to get to an internet connection.
Lena has to be, or have, the answer, you've got no choice, find that Kitten Shack. (Also if you don't put that finger on ice soon it's gonna get stinky, perhaps your obliging 'barkeep' could help with that?)
The same build and height as the corpse? Do you remember what you look like? Perhaps the corpse-likeness goes beyond body, it may be worth checking a mirror if you don't remember, the corpse might be a little closer to you than you thought.
One other thing - dumping the car may not have been the best plan, when it could have contained myriad clues as to who the guys chasing you were, and what they wanted.
One other other thing - you're in the corpse's clothes. Did it have a wallet? Any kind of ID? Who did they kill, and is his name in your phone?
Comments closed for today's episode.