A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#23. XY
You decide to check out the map reference. At the moment, you're one step ahead of the game. The ransom note has probably only just been delivered, if at all, and they'll be on their way to find the first set of clues in the bank vault. If you or Greg has been leaving a trail of clues, the map reference will be the next step in finding Lena.
Katy passes you a city map, and you find the location on the map which was circled.
"The harbour area" Katy says, "take my car", and she passes you the keys.
Within half an hour or so, you're near the docks. Whilst you know the rough area the map pointed too, you just don't know which building you need to be looking at. If only you had the SIM card from the bank still. There are bound to be further instructions... but then again, they were only going to call you anyway. You think back and work out how on earth you'll work out which warehouse to go to. Time is ticking away.
You walk over to a pontoon, which has a map of some of the dock area.

Thinking back to the reference on the slip of paper with the map, your mind starts to work out which warehouse you need to find.

There will not be an episode tommorow, as i'll be on a flight, and they generally don't have internet access.. booo :(
I'll write a bumper episode for monday though.
That slip of paper said A66C74, so I reckon you want to go to Atlantis, as it's in row A and contains numbers 61-90. Does the C74 refer to a container inside that warehouse?