A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#15. Treasure Hunt
You leave the bank, carrying the envelope and its contents, and try to hail another cab as the doorman nods to you on your way out. Its started to rain, and cabs ready to hire are few and far between, but eventually one pulls up infront of you and you climb in.
"Where to?"
You pause and realise you're not actually sure where you need to go next. You think about the contents of the envelope.
"I need an audio store, you know, some place that sells hi-fi equipment" "Okay, there's a shopping centre about five minutes.. you'll probably find something in there" "Sure"
and the cab leaves the bank. The traffic is pretty heavy, and whilst making your way to the shopping district, you pull the envelope back open again and leaf through its contents.
The photos show a selection of things. A storefront, a dock warehouse, a woman tied up in a chair and the final image shows two well dressed men drinking coffee outside a cafe. The map has a location circled in red marker pen ink. The slip of paper has A66C74 written on it in the same red ink. The newspaper cutting is an article on the topic of a judge discussing some case he'd been working on.
You reach the shopping complex and stuff the items back into the envelope. As you get out of the cab, your phone rings, with "Greg" flashing on the screen. You hesitate, not knowing who Greg is, you're naturally cautious.

Just for the sake of diversity I'm going to say don't answer it, reject the call and hope Greg leaves a message.