A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#9. I just called to say...
In your phone, on the voicemail, and quite possibly on that poster, "Lena" is rapidly becoming a name used with regular occurance. Maybe she'll be able to help you piece together who you are, and what you're doing with a severed finger in your pocket.
Still in the back next to the phone, you load up the mobile phone's address book, scroll to Lena's number, and hit dial. It rings a few times before being picked up. Heavy dance music is playing in the background on the other end and you struggle to make out what the callee is saying.
"Hi, yeah.. is Lena there?"
"*thud thud thud* what?!"
"I said is Lena there, this is the Pink Kitten right?
"*thud thud thud* yeah.. Pink Kitten.. Lena? oh sure.. no, she's not here.. she didn't turn up last night, and she ain't here now.."
"Oh okay - do you know where I can get hold of her?"
"*thud thud thud* no man, i don't, but if i did - she'd regret it, the bitch let me down last night.. i've got customers who pay to see her every night, and she just skips turning up to work? That ain't good for business man.. she says she's gonna be here at 8, and then nada. Hey.. who is this anyway.. what you wanting to know all about my girls for, heh?"
"Just a friend, just calling to..."
"*thud thud thud* Lena don't got no friends, who the fuck is this? You that creep who's been hanging round here? Listen man, if I see you once more you freak, you aint' going to have the equipment to mess with yourself just thinking about my girls, yet alone anyone near them.. you hear me man?"
and the helpful customer support representative of the Pink Kitten slams down the phone.
Walking back to your whisky, you sit down and take a swig. A television over the bar starts to play the Friday nightime news, and a drunk falls off his chair in the corner of the room.
You're sitting in a bar, where you have a half drunk whisky, a wallet, mobile phone and severed finger.

The same build and height as the corpse? Do you remember what you look like? Perhaps the corpse-likeness goes beyond body, it may be worth checking a mirror if you don't remember, the corpse might be a little closer to you than you thought.
Go through the wallet, there may be some clues or a small indication who you are, what your name is, where to live, a donor card - anything in there.
You need to examine the finger again. Is it a woman's? Is it Lena's? Is she being held hostage somewhere? Is that what the mysterious voicemail was about?