A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#10. A place to think
You drink the dregs of the whisky from the tumbler, and walk back to the toilets. You need some space to think and whilst a bar on a late late Friday night is great for those who need to drown some problems, your's need greater clarity of thought.
You wander into a stall, close the door, sit down on the toilet with the seat lid lowered, and pull out the finger from your pocket. You slowly peel it from its now somewhat coagulated paper wrapping, and whilst taking a deep breath, lift up the finger.
It's slender, and whilst hacked like ground meat at one end, still has an air of something attractive to it. The nail is chipped, but painted. You catch a whiff of the flesh which has started to smell. You've no idea if its too late to put it on ice, in the hope that if you find the girl which this came from, its could be quite literally re-united with its former owner, but plan to do so anyway.
Turning the finger around in your hand, you catch some writing on the underside. Shocked, you move in closer to see what the glyphs say. Simple numbers. A phone number: 09997 108 108. You swallow. This is a ransom note. Suddenly things start falling into place. The voicemail about Lena with something about money, Lena not turning up for work, someone hanging around her work... Okay, maybe you're jumping to conclusions, but someone somewhere has a digit missing, and you need to find out why.
You are sitting in a bar toilet stall, holding a severed finger with a phonenumber on it. You have a wallet and mobile phone in your pocket. You ponder your next step.

Call the number dufus.
Who the hell gives you a premium-rate number for a ransom call?! Clearly they intend to get their money simply by shafting you via the call costs.
Anyway - see if that number's in your mobile phone. Then call it, you don't really have any other choice.
You should definitely check whether the number matches any of the names in your mobile phone's memory. Then it might be watching that TV in the bar that's just started showing the news.
Good Lord. Use the mobile and dial the number on the finger. Don't waste another second. Put the severed digit on ice till you are reunited with its owner.
Go back to the clearing
Order another drink to get a bit more dutch courage; evrything may seema bit clearer; maybe one of the more flamboyant cocktails on the menu. Use the ice from to cool the finger and dial the finger-number (stick 141 in front to remain unidentifyable just in case...).
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