A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#11. Deja Vu
You walk back to the bar for a third time, sit down and order another drink.
"You sure you want another one?" asks the barman, "they're just going straight through you, drink, bathroom, drink, bathroom.. you got a hole in you or something?"
"Something like that. Just give me another whisky, lots of ice" you say and the barman pours you the drink muttering to himself.
You pull out the mobile phone and call the number, the area code seems strange, almost like a premium number. After a few rings an automated voice answers.
"Thankyou for using Automated Voice Services. Please hold, we are putting you through to your selected voicemail box." the computer generated lady says. You hold.
After a matter of moments, the silence ends, and you listen to the message.
"I'm not normally one for clichés, but we have your daughter and I'm sure you can work out what comes next. £2.5 million in non marked, unsequential used notes, deposited at Fold's Bank. I hope you enjoyed the little digit of sentimentality we sent you. Don't fuck around. There are nine left, and then we start on the rest of her. We'll call again with more instructions. Saturday night, 9pm."
Suddenly you feel pale and the blood once again drains from your face. You look up at the barman and nothing can stop what is about to happen next, as you vomit all over the bar. As the barman is swearing and shouting at you, walking around to throw you out of the place, the message is running around and around in your head....
...it was your voice on the voicemail message giving the ransom demand.
You have been thrown out of a bar, and are lying on the pavement. You have your mobile and wallet, but dropped the severed finger as you were carried out by the barman. It is starting to rain.

Hike a cab, drive to local pharmacy, get quick-fix drugs and find a dry quite place. Recheck mobilephone for leads.
Pick up finger. Go back to bar. Demand lift to local hospital off bar staff.
Pick up the finger. Get a cab to Fold's Bank. Have a look in safety deposit box number 12040, as per the voicemail you received earlier.
I'm with Slim, anyone who remembers that your voicemail had those digits in must be right. Get that finger, get down to that bank cos you need to find that fingerless girl.
While I'm on the subject of voicemail messages, you should phone 1471 soon, before you get called again, so you can find out who left the other message.
Tommorow's post will be slightly late, as i'm stuck in a pitch meeting all morning. sorry, but hopefully today's was a enough to keep you thinking for a while ;)