A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#12. Taking a step back.
You pick yourself up from the pavement, still feeling queezy from vomiting. You've managed to leave the finger on the bar when you got dragged out of the bar, and if you don't get it back soon, the barman, already a big fan of yours for redecorating his establishment, will pick it up, call the police, and they'll be on your tail.
Its already too confusing to understand why you're holding someone's digital ransom note, yet alone to have to explain it to the police. You take a deep breath, and sneak back into the bar.
You can see across the room, the paper package still half wrapped on the bar next to a pile of the contents of, until recently, your stomach. The barman, standing in a corner reaching for a mop, muttering to himself. You pick up an empty bottle of beer from the table next to you and throw it at the opposite corner of the bar, smashing into the wall. The barman immediatly looks up at the noise, and walks over to the other side of the room. You nip to the bar, grab the package, and run back out.
Panting heavily, you're back in the same position you were hours ago, mysterious package, with its contents now known to you, but still a mystery. You pull out your wallet and check for cash, enough for a cab trip. Fold's bank is probably a missing piece of the puzzle. Someone is putting something there, and possibly related to the supposed kidnapping.
Some minutes later you arrive outside the bank.
"Sir, can I help you?" the doorman asks
"I'm here to get to a safety deposit. Number 12040"
"Of course, and the passphrase is..."
You hesitate.

Sorry for the delay today. Was trapped in Switzerland.
For a person who can't remember anything, including your name, who you are and why you're holding Lena to ransom you must have a very good sense of direction to find the bank unaided... However, that aside the password is: "A SIXTH TEEPEE, NORM!" say it to the man and find that box.
I reckon it's a toss-up between "Lena", "Horses" and "Saturday 9pm". Since the doorman asked for a passphrase, not a password, I'm plumping for "Saturday 9pm".
"The passphrase is.. of course, not necessary. There was no catchphrase. You won't catch me out that easily.."
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