A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#18. A short chase
You run after the guy dodging through traffic as you try to make out which direction he ran in. Currently Greg, if that is Greg, is the only one with any real information as to who you are, and what plot you're entangled with.
He's fast, and you lose him in a crowd of people.
"Damn it!" you shout, and stand dripping wet, breathing heavily. You look around and find a coffee shop to regroup in.
You're sitting at the counter, with a cup of black steaming liquid. The past few hours have flown by, but you're not really any further with understanding your situation. You take a moment to go back over what has happened.
It is safe to assume that Lena has been kidnapped, held to ransom using an sick if not obvious ransom note, but it hasn't been delivered to her father or whoever is going to be paying the bill - that was your job, and you failed. At some point there is going to be a large amount of cash deposited in that bank vault security box, and then they'll start following the same clues you're chasing to find Lena. What you haven't got a clue about, though, is why Greg can't do this on his own. Later today, you'll be receiving a phonecall, but what you have to say is still a mystery. In any case, kidnapping is not your forte.
You're sitting in a coffee shop. You are wearing a damp suit, with your wallet and mobile phone.

At midnight, when you take the call, offer to help the guy whose daughter has been kidnapped. Confess your insomnia and explain that you're not a gangster, just some random person caught up in all this.
In the meantime, perhaps you could go and see a doctor to see if you can get some answers on why you can't remember anything.
I think Slim's suggestion is a great one but I might refrain from confession to insomnia and rather confess amnesia???
Alternatively you could try calling some of the other random numbers in the phone - like FLAT maybe - and try to establish where to live, maybe you've got a girlfriend or person you live with you can help you?
Just two things to consider from me. Firstly, you never really investigated the "strangely compelling" fire escape. Why was it compelling? Might be worth a look.
The other thing is that you've got a number called 'sat9pm' in your phone. This will be the number for the person you're trying to get ransom money out of. They will hold the answers to who Lena is. Might be worth calling - but from a payphone, not the mobile, and be ready to get the hell out of there if the call is traced.