A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#21. twentyone questions
You take a deep breath.
"First, How do you, me, Tom and Lena know each other?"
Katy just stares at you, and her eyes start to moisten.
"What's happened Mason? Oh my god, what happened?"
"I don't know goddamit, if I knew that, perhaps I could start working out what the hell is going on here, I've only just learnt my name for chrissakes" you storm out of the front room into the kitchen. The kettle is still steaming from making drinks.
You walk over to the fridge and rest your head against it. It hums gently, almost comforting, but not enough to appease your frustration.
"Gah!" you kick the fridge and a couple of items attached to the door with magnets fall off. You bend down to pick them up. Another photo of you and Katy. You're holding it in our hand as Katy walks into the kitchen. You turn your head to face her whilst still crouching over the fallen items.
"Who am i?"
"You're my brother, Mason. I'm your sister, Tom is my husband. And Lena is Tom's brother's girlfriend, and you've been in love with Lena from the day you met her." Katy sobs, and slumps onto a stool.
"Oh, god.. Katy i'm sorry. I just don't know you."
"Who did this to you Mason, who? Where have you been?"
"I don't know, but Lena is in trouble, and I know I need to get to the bottom of this before midnight."
"Lena's in trouble? What sort of trouble?"
You explain the past hours that you've been through, from the moment you first remember in the alleyway, to the contents of the security deposit box at the bank.
"So, what did the map say? Where are they holding her? Who the hell are 'they'?" Katy asks, hurridly.
"Exactly! Was there anyone who would want to hurt Lena?"
"No, of course not... I mean.. I suppose anyone pissed off with her dad might want to get at her to get to him.. but ..."
"Her dad?"
"Yeah, big time lawyer, criminal connections they say.. you know, gets paid off for securing a 'not guilty'verdict" Katy explains.
"What about me? Anyone who'd want me out of the way?"
"You? God knows, you never tell me whats going on.. and by the sounds of it, plenty of people"
"Thanks" you say, half sarcastically, half geniuine.

You could try to look over some of the recent cases Lena's dad's work on, what he might be doing now, see if there's anything in there that rings any bells, see if Greg's name or picture appears anywhere. If you can find out why somebody might be using Lena for cash you might be able to find out why you're involved.
Also, you could try going over to your flat, Katy could or tell you where it is, and maybe some clue might be awaiting you.
If Lena is Tom's brother's girlfriend, what's Tom's brother called? Greg, by any chance?