A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#25. Gentle Persuasion
"Hey..." you look down at the guard's badge "..Doug, how've you been?" Doug, the guard, looks at you inquisitively.
"Fine, and you?"
"I'm good thanks.. how's the family?" you ham up your charm.
"Have we... err.. do I know you?" the guard isn't giving anything away
"Sure sure.. its me ... Steve... we, met at the garden party last year. Man, we all got so drunk.. great time though" you keep your eyes locked on his.. hoping he'll fall for the act.
"Riiight... what can I do to help you anyway... Steve?"
Simply not working, so you try another tactic.
"Well, its like this.. I dumped a whole load of.. well, my housemate, dumped a whole load of.." you're broken off mid sentence by an explosion outside.
"What the.." Doug rushes around the counter and to the door of reception, his adrenaline kicking in for some action. You see your opportunity, and grab a heavy padlock from a wall display, run over to Doug pressed up against the window, and bring the weight down upon his head. He slumps immediatly to the floor with a grunt. You peer out to make sure no-one has seen you, and drag his limp, but amazingly heavy mass behind the counter. You grab the keys and swipe card from behind the counter and pocket them. You look down at Doug. He's out cold, but you don't know how long for, so grab his pistol and stuff it behind your belt.
You take a deep breath and move towards the door behind the counter, leading to the warehouse space. Each of the keys has a letter associated to it, presumably a skeleton key to each of the containers in that block. It takes you another five minutes to reach the container denoted by the second group of the code on the paper. You pull out the skeleton key and unlock the padlock, push up the shutter and walk into the container space. It is still dark in there, but you can make out a bunch of boxes, some racks and general mess. You hunt around for the light switch, but as you are looking for it, you hear footsteps moving quickly towards you. You dive to the shutter and noisily pull it closed, then climb behind some of the boxes. You are hidden in darkness, and try to steady your breathing, but your heart skips a beat when the shutter is pulled open once more, and a figure enters the container.
You're hidden in darkness, but you have clear sight of the back of the intruder. You put your hand on the pistol, and consider your next move.
