A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#29. Intimate Stranger
You sit down beside the stage, closer to the blonde who's not quite all there. You make eye contact a few times before she moves towards your side of the platform, continuing her, at times acrobatic, but mostly overtly erotic dance - but what the hell else would you expect. You're in a club called the Pink Kitten, and there can be no ambiguity as to what mostly happens in here. Women free themselves of their clothes, whilst men free themselves of their cash, generally to the aforementioned women. Infalliable system.
The girl is ravishingly attractive. Dirty blonde hair and huge blue eyes which sparkle under the harsh spotlights, which are designed to highlight the rest of her talents, which, as the dance progresses, are becoming more obvious by each minute.
You smile at her, and she returns the favour, holding your gaze whilst she gyrates around the stage and its shiny scaffold. The music and dances comes to an anticlimatic end, and punters around the club clap half-heartedly. She gives you a wink, picks up her discarded robes, and wanders off stage into the back of the club. You suddenly realise that you've been holding your breath, and let the air out of your lungs in a heavy sigh.
"Yeah, she's quite something isn't she?" says a guy in a business suit and tie. You look over at him, top button undone, a suitcase on wheels next to his table. "Two dances from her already tonight, and I ain't done yet. Oh yeah.. She's a hot one." he licks his lips, and you turn away from him in disgust.
He picks up his drink and sits beside you, uninvited.
"You from out of town too?" he asks you.
"I said, are you from out of town? I'm just here on business, every couple of weeks it seems nowadays, but always time to pop in on my way back. Gives the old boy a little boost before going back to the wife and kids, you know what I'm saying?"
"No, I'm sorry, I have no idea. I'm just trying to have a quiet drink." you try and end the conversation before it goes somewhere.
"Sure sure.. I know the score. Everyone here's the same.. we all just want a quiet drink, nothing more. We all come here for the quality of the drink, right?" and he winks at you.
"Look, I just need some time on my own right now, so if you don't mind, this conversation is over."
"Fine, fuck you buddy. I'm just trying to make polite.. jeez" and he finally walks over to the bar, no doubt to get another of what he just knocked back on the way.
"Want a dance?" you hear a breathy question from behind you, and flip around. Whilst you were watching the jilted business man wander away, the girl from the stage has found her place at your side. As you're sat and she's standing, you find yourself rather embarrasingly for you staring directly at her breasts, and quickly lookup to her face. She giggles.
"You like those? Come on, have a dance" you find it hard to speak and simply nod and stand up, to go find a dance floor somewhere, at which she giggles again. "Not that sort of dance", and she pushes you back into your chair. Within seconds, she's leaning over you wafting her heavily perfumed hair in your face, and wiggling inbetween your legs. You swallow a nervous breath, but soon relax as she peels off layer after layer in front of you, whilst moving to the pacy rhythm of the music in the club.
Three and a half minutes later, she stands away from you, fully naked and smiles. You don't really remember the last few moments, mostly a blur, but as far as memory loss goes, upon which you're becoming quite an expert, this is the good kind. She puts back on her clothes not looking you in the eye, and wanders off. "Maybe another dance later?" she says, without looking over her shoulder, and crosses the bar towards a velvet curtain. You follow her with your eyes, your breathing starting to shallow a little. She never looks back until just before disappearing behind the curtain, when she turns around and beckons at you with her finger.
Do you go behind the curtain and find out what more she has to offer, or do something else? You ponder your next move.

Dur! Go behind the curtain!
Although, keep an eye on if anyone is watching you.
If you're not careful, this story is going to get blocked by my office's blue screen of pr0n filter.
1 - Check pockets for Smint/Extra Strong Mint.
2 - Pop one.
3 - Go behind the curtain checking for all possible exits on your way through.
4 - follow her but try to initiate conversation before she causes more memory loss!
She knows something, she knows you, she knows the whole thing. Follow her but stay realistic, a lap dancer hasn't just fallen in love with you, she's involved in the scam and knows you are too. Roll your tongue back into your mouth, get back there and talk business with her.