A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#30. Behind the velvet.
"I thought you wanted to be alone!" the guy from the bar shouts, still being obnoxious. You glare at him and walk towards the back of the club. He follows you with his eyes, but you slip between the curtains before he has a chance to say anything.
You suddenly feel an almighty sting across your face, you blink in the darkness and see the girl standing infront of you, after giving you a flat handed slap. Four fingers or not, she can hit.
"What the -" but you're silenced as she moves in and starts kissing you deeply on the lips. You resist at first, but within seconds you feel at home, as if you've been kissing this girl your entire life. She pulls away from you.
"Where the hell have you been?!" she asks. A sense of deja-vu washes over you, and whilst you don't feel like covering the same ground as you did with Katy, you feel as if you owe this girl something, if not a finger.
What should you explain to her, what should you ask?

You should kiss her and say something like: "sorry baby, things have just been a bit crazy for me over the last couple of days, I haven't really been myself. What's been going on?" that way you're not lying and you're giving her the chance to tell you all of her news, cos she's bound to have some.
I think Catherine's female perspective is an unbeatable answer... if anybody knows the best next step she will!
Giving the dancer the finger, her finger(?) probably won't pay off in any of the possible connotations of the phrase!