A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#38. Family Reunion?
You sit down - just moments have passed, but it seems like weeks in your head. Zoe is sobbing in the corner of the room, physically and emotionally bruised, but otherwise fine. Your head is messed up. You still have no idea of who you are, and hunt around the room for some remnant to remind you of yourself.
You hunt around in drawers. Just bills with no first name, the odd letter, again with no first name, until you stumble across a photo of a few children at a fairground. Two girls and a little boy, with their dad. The boy is holding a balloon. The little boy with a balloon. You shiver.
You stare at the father, and recognise him from the photo in the envelope and the cuttings about the judge.
"Who is this?" you say to Zoe, and hold the photo infront of her face. She jerks, holding back another tearful outburst.
"That's me and zoe, our dad and our brother". "Your brother? Who's your brother? Where he is now?" "Yes, he died when we were kids - it was a car accident"
You stare at Zoe, at the photo again, and back at Zoe.
"Zoe, this is me. This is me as a child"
Zoe's face lifts up and looks at yours, her eyes soaked with tears and streaking with makeup.
Somehow, this photo has started a chain of memories arriving in your mind. Staring at the photo, you realise you're looking at yourself, that unmistakable ability to look yourself in the eyes and recognise your own face, no matter its age.
You drop the photo. Everything is moving too fast. After days on not knowing who you are, and wanting to work it out, the moment things start to drop into place, you wish you didn't know.
"But.." Zoe whimpers, "you died."
You pick yourself up, when you hear a noise at the door way. You swing around and point the gun at the figure standing in the doorway.
Its Katy, also pointing a gun. At you.
"Katy.. what are you ..?" you ask, but she interupts you before you have a chance to form the question. "Shut up Mason - believe me, you haven't a clue what is going on here"

Concluding episode later this week.