A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#34. Washed up
You come to, washed up against a muddy bank, probably miles down stream. Zoe is nowhere to be seen, and your shoulder aches. You try and move it, and the pain just increases, it probably came out of its socket.
You pull yourself up the bank and cough up some water. It's a miracle that you didn't drown, but someone is on your side up there. You pick yourself up, and suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder, and the resulting pain floors you once more. You scream out.
"Oh my god.. sorry Mason.. I .. I.."
It's Zoe, waterlogged and still teary eyed.
"Zoe, are you okay?" "I'm okay. Wet, terrified, but okay. I think we lost the guy. He fired at us a few times, but once we were swept away, I don't think he could see us anymore"
"Who was he?" "I've no idea." Zoe trembled.
You pick yourself up once more, Zoe grabs your arm to help, but you just grimace with the pain.
"I think we should still get back to the apartment, just choose our drivers more wisely" you say "Won't they be waiting for us there?" "Maybe, but I need to find out who I am" Zoe looks at you inquisitively "..who I am up against" you finish your sentence quickly.
Clambering up the bank, you manage to hail a cab fairly quickly, checking the driver for any familiar or goon like traits before climbing in.
"Kings Avenue, again please"
The cab driver grunts, and for the second time today, you're on your way home.

Get to the flat, without Zoe knowing have a look round and see if things look familiar at all, how long have you got til your midnight call? Maybe have a look at some of your old bank statements if there are any clues about if you're the person giving Lena the money to pay her blackmailer, or if there are any big deposits to show that you are the blackmailer??