A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#33. Another fall from grace
You leave the club, and there is fortunatly already a cab with its For Hire light on, waiting outside. You both climb in the back. Before you get a chance to say, Zoe leans forward to the driver and speaks.
"Kings Avenue please"
Prestigious sounding address. Probably a hole though. You spend the start of the journey looking out the window as Zoe is snuggled up sat next to you, saying nothing. You speed through the streets, traffic being quite quiet, until Zoe looks around.
"That's strange."
"What?" you ask
"We're going north, its not the right way"
Zoe leans forward again, and speaks to the driver.
"Hey, Kings Avenue, down in Ellesmere, you're driving north?"
The driver says nothing.
"Hey, are you listening?" Zoe says again. Your heart rate starts to pick up a little, you scrutinise the face of the driver in the mirror. You recognise him from the club, the business man who sat at your table.
"What the..." you start to speak, but the driver pulls a gun from the glove compartment, and rests it on his lap.
"Just be quiet, and we'll have this all sorted out in no time" he says calmly.
Zoe turns to you, her face whitened with fear. You think quickly. You still have the pistol in the back of your belt, but any movement to grab it may alert the driver, and his hand is ready to pull the trigger. The car bumps across a pothole in the road, and you look out of the window. You're crossing the river to get to leave town. Much longer, and you'll be out of reach of anyone useful. You gently nudge Zoe. She looks at your with glassy tearful eyes, and you motion with your head out of the car. Her eyes widen, but without a second though, you kick open the rear door. The wind rushes in, and the driver swerves on the road a little as he realises what is happening, but you've already jumped and hit the road, hard, shoulder first and roll into the gutter. A searing pain in your shoulder makes you cry out, as you see the car screeching to a halt, and Zoe a few yards in front of you. You pick yourself up and run towards her, helping her up from the roadside. The car starts reversing with smoking tires, and you grab Zoe and run towards the edge of the bridge. Looking down you see the fast flowing river and take a deep breath.
"Come on" you say to Zoe, and she nods silently, tears streaking down her face, and you both leap over the barrier.
The wind rushes past your head, screaming in your ears, and everything starts to slow down. The sound stops and you feel like you're just hanging in mid air, not falling at all. Suddenly, blackness.

When you come too you don't know where you are but it's dark, you've got a really sore head and Zoe's nowhere to be seen.
Then suddenly the taxi driver / business man reappears, followed by Greg and Lena. None of them look very happy. You realise you're in BIG trouble.
Get back to your apartment and find out more details about yourself, but be careful there, they're bound to be waiting for you.