A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#31. Attacked
"Sorry baby, things have just been a bit crazy for me over the last couple of days, I haven't really been myself. What's been going on?" you ask the girl, not even sure of her name yet. Strippers tend not to wear name badges, being a distinct lack of material to pin anything to.
"You tell me!" she starts sobbing. You're starting to feel you have this effect on girls. "I get attacked a month ago, and you dissapear the next day.. who was a I meant to turn to? Where the hell did you go?"
"Who attacked you?"
"If i knew, maybe the police would be able to do something, but the bastards aren't even looking for anyone. They reckon it was just a violent, horrible mugging or something. But you tell me, how many muggings take a fucking finger? Christ Mason, why didn't you even call??"
"The truth is, I got attacked too. I'm not sure how or why yet, but I don't remember the last month."
You suddenly feel you've given away a little too much, and regret admitting it.
"Cut the crap Mason, oh whatever, you're back now" and she starts kissing you again. It doesn't seem like she swallowed the truth, but nor does she seem too concerned over it. For a girl who had a finger cut off just a month ago, she seems strangely calm. Maybe in shock still.
You take a breather from being connected face to face.
"You're back at work now though?"
"Well, someone has to pay the rent, not that I can see it paying for much longer if they close down the club." she explains.
"Close down the club?"
"Yeah, rumours are Mr. Bendini is being pressured to sell, move on to another joint I guess"
Things start ticking over in your mind.

Ohhhh the plot thickens, i think you took the finger and you don't care about this dancer girl, you love Lena and sacrificed this girl's digits for the greater love.
It does imply though that you live together, maybe you should suggest you go home and see if anything there gives any more clues.