A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#36. The postman always rings...
You decide to give any potential assailants a heads up you're coming in. You grab your mobile phone, and slide it into the apartment. "Give me your phone" you whisper to Zoe, and she reaches into her bag. You take her phone from her, and find yourself in the addressbook. "What are you doing?" "Calling me" and you hit dial. The mobile in the apartment stays silent, but the landline rings. Just as effective you presume, but don't hear anything stirring inside. You nudge the door open, and hang up the phone.
The apartment has been ransacked, draws pulled out and emptied, pictures pulled off the walls and slashed, generally, its a mess.
You sigh, not really feeling any association to the place, but seeing quite clearly that your place has been trashed. Kneeling beside a broken coffee table, you pick up a photo frame. It contains a photo of you and Zoe.
You need to find some piece of information which tells you who you are, and why you're still no clearer on what's happening. Hunting around for a letter of some sort, you start rummaging through things on the floor, when you hear a noise behind you.
You spin around, pulling the gun from your trousers and pointing it, finger on the trigger.
Zoe screams. It was just her stepping on some broken glass. You're too jittery and need to calm down. You go the kitchen and open the fridge for a drink. It seems like the only item in the flat that was destroyed. You find a bottle of water, and open the freezer for ice.
Instead of frozen pizzas and peas, though, you find a black bin liner. You pull it open, and take a sharp intake of breath when you find bundles of money, rolled up with elastic bands.

I think you've been the one blackmailing Lena and that's the money there. You should pack some things, grab that cash and leave town - with our without Zoe.
You've got nothing to stay for.