A piece of interactive fiction vs. role-playing game, where you get to suggest the next move and influence how the story progresses.

#35. Home bound.
The taxi pulls up outside an apartment block on Kings Avenue. Not exactly fit for a monarch, but not so bad either.
You pay the cab driver in wet banknotes, and apologise profusely for getting his car damp. He says something at you in Russian, you presume it is not a pleasantry.
Whilst you're forking out your cash, Zoe has already walked up to the front door and unlocked it. This girl has your apartment keys? You follow Zoe, up two flights of stairs, and reach, what you presume is your apartment. You can tell by the fact the door has been kicked open, splinters of wood lie around on the floor, and the door now rests ajar.
Someone is watching you from further down the corridor, but as you turn to speak to them, they slam their door closed, just a neighbour wondering how you've become the centre of attention, a question you've been asking yourself also.
You stand outside the door, do you go in or not?

Go in go in go in, the answers lie within